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Cyber Strategy

Every business has a duty to protect its data and the digital systems they use, this includes your supply chain. Cyber Security is key to any business, organisation or individual as it sets out how you will protect yourself, improve your resilience and recovery from cyber attacks. Having a cyber strategy is particularly crucial for your organisation as an expression of how seriously your organisation values security and providing the framework for future investment and improvements.

At a minimum, this can be a high-level plan to address your security needs, minimise cyber risk and ideally it will lay out how you will prevent, respond and recover from cyber threats. Understanding your risk appetite is a key enabler of defining your strategy, and this will enable you to plan accordingly. Strategies can provide thematic or principle based approaches that allow operational and project teams to translate the intent of the organisation into risk mitigation activity and controls. It provides the critical business context on how the organisation will evolve its security and cyber risk management.

At its heart your Cyber strategy should enable decision making at all levels of the organisation in how your defences should evolve, focusing on the ‘how’ and ‘why’ that this differs from your current approach. This provides the frame of reference for subsequent decision making.

How can Nine23 help your cyber strategy?

A good cyber strategy is one that evolves with your organisation and considers multiple areas, such as:

  • Do you have a defined Risk Appetite?
  • Have you completed a threat assessment?
  • Do you have any regulatory compliance you must follow?
  • What industry standards must you adhere too?
  • What tools or controls do you have and are they optimally utilised?
  • Have you reviewed your supply chain’s cyber Security?
  • Do you need to achieve Cyber Essentials, ISO 27001 etc?

There is not a single cyber security strategy that fits all, every organisation is unique and requires a tailored approach. All organisations need to define how cyber risk will be identified, managed and mitigated to protect their organisation.

Our team of experts will help you from any point of your cyber security strategy journey, we can work with you to develop a Cyber Security Strategy or review your existing cyber strategy with you to review its maturity, fit with emerging industry trends and overarching business model to ensure it is fit for purpose.

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