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Ministry Of Defence (DE&S)

Secure enterprise mobility (EMM) solution

Executive Summary

The Ministry of Defence wanted a management platform for mobile devices that was secure enough to pass exacting accreditation requirements and flexible enough to incorporate all brands of mobile OS.

We provided mobile phones and tablets through our Managed Mobility as a Service (MMaaS) to deliver secure communications and device management, that also provides bespoke and public apps through a curated app store.

By focusing on ease of use at the frontline we are helping maintain national security.


The Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) organisation was launched on 1 April 2014 as a Bespoke Trading Entity (BTE), an arm’s length body of the Ministry of Defence responsible for equipping and supporting the UK’s armed forces for current and future operations. Employing over 11,000 people, with a budget of some £14 billion, DE&S play a vital role in maintaining military operational capability. DE&S acquire and support a wide range of equipment and services, including ships, aircraft, vehicles, weapons and information services.

Key points

Secure EMM Solution
Mobile End User focused
OFFICAL Sensitive
Accredited Solution
Managed Service
Secure Cloud

“We exist as a company to allow the front line user to use technology. We passionately believe that mobile technology enhances the front line user and they should be put first.
From our first meeting with DE&S we have built on this ethos and our proud in what we have achieved.”

Stuart Mckean,

The Challenge

DE&S recognised a key driver for change was the fact that frontline users were being forced into using their own personal devices; this shadow IT system was both uncontrolled and unregulated, thereby compromising security and undermining command and control.

DE&S identified that they required a secure mobile solution that provided endusers with integrated email, voice communication, messaging and access to content held centrally. They also had a need to remotely control the functions on the end-user devices across a range of devices (iOS & Android) to ensure integrity of the overall ecosystem, including remote wipe, remote lock, control of installation of apps and geo-location.

The Solution

Nine23 utilised their Front Line Experience (FLX) and worked with key individuals, both from a users perspective and governance level, to fully recognise the problem and their ambitions for the project. Having formed this clear understanding Nine23 defined what was possible and presented an easily accessible solution that would meet their demands. Nine23 utilised their Digital Asset Collaboration System (DACS) to act as the platform from which all the training products would be launched from. This created a scalable Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) with the ability to maintain and record a user’s progress and achievements throughout their training.

Nine23 implemented their innovative full end-to-end mobile strategy, Managed Mobility as a Service (MMaaS), with its 12 step Define, Develop, Deploy implementation plan. DE&S recognised the utility in defining their requirements and then developing the solution in partnership with Nine23.

Having formed a clear understanding of the high-level design, Nine23 developed and then presented a modular solution that could be tailored to meet the client’s precise demands. This consisted of an OFFICIAL SENSITIVE (IL3) ecosystem, hosted within a Government accredited datacentre, compliant with Communications Electronic Security Group (CESG) guidelines, in line with the Architectural Pattern No 2 Walled Garden for Remote Access. Within this ecosystem Nine23 connected a range of Commercial Product Assured (CPA) mobile managed devices, including cellular phones, tablets and laptops (both iOS and Windows).


The following capabilities where installed across the devices:

• Email
• Web gateway
• Secure voice and messaging communications
• Enterprise content management system (CMS) 

With its fully integrated project team, Nine23 carefully established the requirement and then designed the required architecture to provide the necessary capabilities to the client and the associated end-users. Following successful Information Assurance accreditation for the secure handling of OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE, Nine23 then constructed the ecosystem and rolled-out the end devices. This was all conducted in a timely manner that met all of the carefully agreed milestones. The client was extremely satisfied with the prompt delivery and the final product has generated a significant amount of positive feedback. Moreover, the client has requested additional capabilities to enhance the overall utility of the bespoke service provided. With flexibility and scalability at its core, MMaaS is able to adapt responsively to the client’s changing needs, without compromising the fundamental aim of delivering ubiquitous secure mobile access.

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