How We Work

Ensuring operations that meet the needs of a complex cyber secure environment and a changing workforce

Today’s digital environment is increasingly complex with more regulatory and compliance requirements than ever. Our operating model focuses on the end-user journey but only rigorous attention to back-end operations and processes can ensure that these journeys are seamless, fit-for-purpose and secure.

Nine23’s cyber security solutions are underpinned by our secure, UK sovereign private cloud Platform FLEX to provide an environment where you can grow, adapt and develop in confidence with expert support whenever you need it.

Nine23 is a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) supplier certified to ISO standards.

how we work and our operating model, define, build and manage
Define: Your Problems

During the define stage our cyber security experts will work with you to discover, clarify and define your goals. 

The discovery phase will help us to understand your current capabilities and define your problems or desired changes. We will create a report which will specify the essential capabilities, end-user requirements and outline the options which will work for your organisation. We will develop an agreed roadmap for your digital transformation.

We will deliver the correct solution by working with you to enable your end-users and help you understand what success will look like from the start of the engagement.

Find out how Nine23 added value, enabled remote working through early engagement with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Build: Your Solution

We can design, implement and build complete cyber security services and solutions that will exceed your end-user requirements. 

If appropriate, we will recommend using our Nine23 owned and managed, secure infrastructure and scalable modular UK Sovereign private cloud, Platform FLEX. Whilst we are a fully agile cyber security company, we use DevOps (integrated development and operations) to deliver services we are continually improving for the end-users. During the build phase we produce a project plan with clear deliverables, using the most appropriate methodology for you.

By the end of this phase we will have conducted user testing to ensure the products and/or services are fit for the end-user.

Manage: Your Service

Delivering a managed cyber security service at speed and scale whilst aligning the service to the end-user journey is the final element of our operating model. 

We manage and migrate cyber risks and work within your organisation to deliver the cyber security service you require. We will provide you with a well-defined Service Level Agreement (SLA) so there is never any misunderstanding about who is responsible for each part of the product or service.

We operate in an agile way and look to add value at every step with a continuous improvement mindset.

Enable: Your End-User

Through our solutions, we provide cyber security services that are tailored to your needs as well as your customers.

Enabling your end-user to engage confidently with IT is critical to the value you can derive from the technology. This goal drives Nine23’s development process and operating model; from initial discovery and recommendations through to ongoing support and management. Achieving the goal enhances your teams capabilities and is the heart of all we do.