Scope and context of the organisation
A quality and environmental policy that reflects the Directors’ quality goals is shown below. It is reviewed during management meetings and is modified as needed to ensure continuing applicability. Revisions to the policy are approved by the Chief Executive Officer and communicated to interested parties.
Quality and Environmental Policy Statement
Nine23’s mission is to be the first choice agnostic information technology systems house for complete mobile solutions in the compliant and regulated sectors. To achieve this, we will;
- Identify and understand our clients’ requirements and ensure we have the expertise to meet their needs.
- Maintain transparent, honest and professional working relationships with our clients.
- Encourage client feedback to help us improve performance.
Internal Systems
- Understand and manage our processes to ensure they are performed effectively, efficiently and safely.
- Sustain quality excellence through continual improvement of processes and services.
- Ensure staff are competent to fulfil their duties.
- Set and achieve quality objectives.
- Maintain a documented ISO 9001/ ISO 27001/ ISO 20000/ISO 14001 system that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and other applicable legislative and regulatory standards.
- We are committed to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution, fulfil the company’s compliance obligations and other specific commitments relevant to the context of the organisation.
- Keeping our waste streams to a minimum and maximise the efficient use of materials and resources and recycling all materials where possible.
- Managing and disposing of all waste in a responsible manner with duty of care.
- The company’s activities and products/services are documented within our management system to control risks and mitigate environmental impacts.
- We maximise the efficient use of products and resources and recycle where possible.
- We maintain awareness of potential environmental change and impact resulting from our activities, products/services.
Only use reliable and competent suppliers, and partners, who share our commitment to delivering products and services that conform to requirements.
This policy will be communicated to all staff and be periodically reviewed by the senior management to ensure its continuing suitability.
Stuart McKean
Chief Executive Officer